Amoeba Sisters Video Recap : Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle
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Carbon and Nitrogen cycle are the two important cycle that organisms need..
Carbon cycle is a process where carbon from the atmosphere travels to the organisms , carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is used by plants for the process of photosynthesis.
Through the process of photosynthesis it enters in the plant body and then it enters to the body of the heterotrophs. Again through the process of respiration and decomposition it goes to the atmosphere. This is referred to as the short term process . Some also enters in long- run process such as fossil fuels.
Nitrogen is a crucial part of many cells such as protein, amino acid as well as DNA.
The process of converting nitrogen into various chemicals and then it gets circulated in the atmosphere , terrestrial as well as marine ecosystem. The process is carried by both physical as well as biological process such as nitrification, fixation.
Carbon and nitrogen are very important for the earth as well as in the body of living organisms.
Carbon is present in the atmosphere in the form of carbondioxide gas which is a greenhouse gas that traps the reflected solar radiations and keep the atmosphere warm while on the other hand, carbon is present in food particles which is used by the organism to release energy in the form of ATP by decomposing carbon related molecules such as glucose.
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for the formation of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, etc. Nitrogen is primarily absorbed through roots as either ammonium or nitrate which increase the productivity of crops and vegetation.
In carbon cycle, carbondioxide gas is absorbed by the plants in the process of photosynthesis in order to prepare food. This food is eaten by living organisms which is released carbondioxide gas in the process of cellular respiration.
Biological nitrogen fixing bacteria is a type of bacteria which fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the available form to the plants such as nitrates and ammonia. Nitrifying bacteria is a type of bacteria that converts ammonia into nitrates whereas, denitrifying bacteria converts nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen.
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