It's about Natural selection and evolution. I REALLY need help ASAP!!!!

1. Smog from the factories
2. The lighter colored moths
3. The darker colored moths
4. (see explanation)
The peppered moth originally had light wings with dark speckles, which blended in with the tree trunks they would land on. This kept them hidden from predators.
A genetic mutation was found in which some moths appeared with dark wings with light speckles. Predators could easily spot these moths, so there were much less of them.
During the industrial revolution, smog put into the air by new factories would cause the once light colored trees to be coated in black from the pollution.
Now, the light moths with dark speckles were more easily identified than their genetically mutated counterparts.
The dark moths with light speckles were now the ones that could camouflage with the tree trunks, and became the dominant variation as the light moths were being eaten more.