The event that led to the Treaty of Hudaibiyya was the refusal of polytheist (Quraysh tribe) to allow the Muslim to perform Hajj in Mecca.
It can be said that Mohammed compromised on every point of the treaty and yet came out winner, because
1. Even though, he along with his followers were not allowed to performed Hajj that year, they were allowed to performed Hajj for the following 10 years.
2. He noticed that there is a chance for him to separate the tribe of Quraysh from the tribe of Khaybar, thus enabling him to infiltrate and spread the message of Islam.
3. He also managed to swayed the public opinion of himself and that of his Muslim followers, which enhance the peaceful nature of the Muslim, and diminish that of Quraysh.
The Treaty of Hudaibiyya, was a treaty between the Muslim lead by Muhammed and Tribe of Quraysh. The treaty came to be as a result of tension and refusal of Quraysh to allow the Muslim entered Mecca and perform Hajj.
Mohammed used the opportunity to enhance the reputation of Islam, and was able to sign a treaty, with the Quraysh.
Some of the terms of the treaty are:
1. To refrain from war among each other during the time of treaty.
2. Any tribe from the Arab may form alliance with either the Muslim or Quraysh if they so wishes.
3. The treaty was a for period of ten years.
Some of the points considered to make Mohammed appeared victorious in the treaty are:
1. It enhances the Muslim reputation of being peaceful among the Non Muslims
2. It exposes the Mohammed followers to understand that good politics is a means of spreading Islam
3. Some of the Muslim that stay behind in Mecca, served as infiltrators.