1) The APA manual mentions two types of plagiarism:
a) Plagiarism
b) Self-plagiarism
c) Intentional plagiarism
d) Unintentional plagiarism
2) If a paper has less than ______ pages, it does not need an abstract.
a) 6
b) 8
c) 10
d) 12
3) If you need more information in regards to the format of your paper, you can visit:
a) apa.org
b) apa.com
c) apastyle.org
d) apastyle.com
4) When we include ideas taken from a source verbatim, we are:
a) Quoting
b) Paraphrasing
c) Summarizing
5) Quotations should be used sparingly.
a) True
b) False
6) As Seidman (1998) notes, little educational research has focused on studying the “perspectives of students, teachers, administrators” whose experiences and knowledge are part of education (p. 4). This is an example of:
a) Quoting
b) Paraphrasing
c) Summarizing
d) None of the above
7) The reference page may have more sources than what we cite in our paper.
a) True
b) False
8) Using too many quotations affects our writer's voice.
a) True
b) False

Respuesta :

The APA manual mentions two types of plagiarism: Unintentional plagiarism,Self-plagiarism


1) The APA manual mentions two types of plagiarism: Unintentional plagiarism,Self-plagiarism

2)If a paper has less than 6 pages, it does not need an abstract.

3)if you need more information in regards to the format of your paper, you can visit: apastyle.org

4)When we include ideas taken from a source verbatim, we are Quoting

5)Quotations should be used sparingly:True

6)As Seidman (1998) notes, little educational research has focused on studying the “perspectives of students, teachers, administrators” whose experiences and knowledge are part of education (p. 4). This is an example of:Summarizing

7)The reference page may have more sources than what we cite in our paper:True

8)Using too many quotations affects our writer's voice:True

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