The visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is often subdivided into the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (sometimes referred to as ROY G BIV). Using the words greatest, least, highest, lowest, fastest, slowest, longest, shortest, write a sentence or two that describes how light at the red end of the visible portion of the spectrum and light at the violet end of the visible portion of the spectrum compare in terms of their energy, frequency, speed, and wavelength.

Respuesta :

Light at the red end of the visible portion has the least energy, lowest frequency, same speed, and longer wavelength compared to the violet end.


The range in which the light exists is described as the electromagnetic spectrum. The light waves, radio waves, gamma rays,etc that exist in the world is not visible to human eyes. A kind of wave that modifies  magnetic and electric fields is light. Spectroscopy makes use of all the frequencies and the wavelengths of the electromagnetic radiation.

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the human eyes is the visible spectrum. The light waves with the wavelengths of  380 to 740 nm can be sen by the human eyes. Light at the red end of the visible portion has the least energy, lowest frequency, same speed, and longer wavelength compared to the violet end.

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