Answer: 1) white population (minority) got discriminated and frequently got back to Europe (not always), 2) local population was unable to solve its local conflicts and disputes in a peaceful way ...which led to civil wars, 3) international context (Cold War paradigm) pushed these governments to become allies of USA or USSR, 4) usually one party got dominant and did stay in power for decades (quite  visible in the case of African presidents (Agostinho Neto, Buteflika, Muburak ..), 5) nationalism became part of official discourse (nationalism not only in terms of policy, but also in terms of culture), 6) pan-africanism started to develop and Africa got integrated to Non-Aligned Movement (founded in 1961 in Belgrade, Serbia).
Explanation: in the history Africa there is anything what we usually suppose in Europe: no theoretical concepts of human rights or civil rights, division of power, constitutional law etc etc. Even frontiers are not authenic because were imposed in the time of colonialism by European powers. What seemed as an independence in 1950s, 1960s, 1970s was just a top of an iceberg.