The Lakota were a tribe belonging to a great culture called Sioux. These Native Americans were settled in the United States and in the Canadian prairies.
The Lakota were the typical Indians of the North American plains, they were made up of 8 tribes: Titunwan, Hunkpapa, Oglala, Sihasapa, Brule, Miniconjou, Itazipacola and Oohenonpa. They lived in the State of South Dakota and their distribution center is located in the Black Hills. They formed their homes in fur stores, decorated with geometric figures and hunting drawings. They were characterized for being excellent warriors, with horses and firearms. They had a warrior leader of enough power. They wore during their struggles to tear out the hair of their enemies, and they lived on the buffalo hunt.
Twelve are the most outstanding values of the Lakota philosophy: humility, perseverance, respect, honor, love, sacrifice, sincerity, compassion, courage, strength, generosity and wisdom. The main virtues for the Lakota are humility, generosity, strength, courage and wisdom.
Currently most live in reserves, although there are also some in Canada, with reservations in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Many live in urban areas, such as Minneapolis-St. Pablo. The elders struggle to transmit the dialects and traditional customs to the young, since today they face various problems that hinder them from healthy growth. The traditional values of Lakota have been replaced by non-native values currently affected Young people face problems such as drugs and alcohol, abuse of women and children