Respuesta :
This statement is true.
It is agreeable that health care is very important. People often doesn't care about the cost of medical care as far as they get treated from their illness. Healthcare ranges from daily nutrient supplements to the most complicated open heart surgery. It includes all expenses incurred on health issues and problems.
People are mostly left with the choice to go for expensive treatment or go without treatment if can't afford it. This happens because there is a lack of proper governmental healthcare scheme in between and also due to medical expenses skyrocketing every single day. People who can afford treatment go for it no matter what the cost might be. Often leaving them penniless after the treatment.
However, some people who can't afford such treatments usually have to deal with their sicknesses and illness lifelong without any treatment. Thus, making them unproductive to earn a good livelihood. They can hardly make ends meet or earn nothing because of health issues.
Therefore, the need for a proper social healthcare scheme is important. These problems can be eliminated or avoided if the people are provided concessions, free medical care, reimbursement, etc. through social healthcare.