Sharon looked tired. Dark circles folded under her eyes.
"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked.
"I wasn't ready for my history presentation, so last night I had to burn the midnight oil."
"Wow!" I gasped. "You stayed up all night?"
"Yep. All night. I'm exhausted." Sharon grumbled. From the annoyed look she shot me, I had the feeling I was rubbing her the wrong way this morning.
"Well, good luck on your presentation! You've worked so hard! It will be a piece of cake!" I began to walk away.
"I guess so," she called after me. "I just wish I hadn't waited until the eleventh hour to finish it. I never do my best work at the last minute." As I looked back, Sharon was nodding off against her locker.
The third paragraph mentions the phrase burn the midnight oil. In this paragraph, burn the midnight oil probably means
to work all night.
to make a presentation.
to light a candle.
to get a good night's rest.

Respuesta :

A to work all night


A) to work all night
