Respuesta :
Hello, you haven't provided any continuous-time system, therefore, I am going to explain to you how to solve this problem in general and you can apply this to your system or any continuous-time system.
Answer step-by-step explanation:
- Linear: A system is linear if it obeys the principle of superposition Z{aX1(t)+bX2(t)}=aZ{X1(t)}+bZ{X2(t)}=aY1(t)+bY2(t), where Z is an operator which maps the input into output (Z is the system itself)
- Causal: A system is causal if it doesn't depend on future inputs Y(t)=Z(x(t)) up to time t
- Time-Invariant: A system is time-invariant if a time-shift on the input causes a equivalent shift on the output, if Y(t)=Z(x(t)) then Y(t-t0)=Z(x(t-t0))
- Stable: A system is stable if every bounded input produces a bounded output, abs(Y(t))<B if abs(X(t))<A / abs(A) < inf and abs(B) < inf
- Memoryless: A system is memoryless if its output at time t is dependent only on the input at that time, Y(t) at time t depends only on X(t) at time t
- Invertible: A system is invertible if we can get back the input by passing the output through another system (No information loss)