Crossword please help must finish in 15 mins

10. The circulatory system transfers nutrients, gases, liquids, and heat around the body.
11. The circulatory system transports heat, which helps regulate temperature.
13. The place where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood. Lungs.
15. A gas that is transported in arteries from the lungs to the rest of the body via the heart. Oxygen.
2. The heart, blood, and vessels. Circulatory System.
4. Blood in arteries is bright red because it is rich in oxygen.
6. A waste gas that is transported in veins from the body to the lungs via the heart. Carbon di Oxide.
The circulatory system includes blood vessels, blood, and heart. This system provides the body tissues with oxygen and some nutrients. It also carries hormones and eliminates needless waste products.
This transportation takes place between the cells via blood throughout the body. The channel that blood passes through is a blood vessel that is pumped by an organ called heart. The heart directs the blood passing all over the body.
The lungs are a duo of air-filled, spongy organs positioned on both sides of a human's chest. Its main function is to take in air present in the atmosphere and transfer oxygen to the bloodstream. From where it gets circulated throughout the body.