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Ranking the three from best to worst will be: point, line, plane. The justification is that, the starting concept determines the next one.
Step-by-step explanation:
The connection can be described by starting with the fundamental concept,procedure or strategy that give rise to the others. In this case, to form a line, you need to have points that join to extend infinitely in different directions. This means the point, is the fundamental concept, that will give the line.A plane is an infinite set of points that form a connected flat surface extending infinitely far in all direction. So here again, the plane exist where there is a set of points. However, a plane is named by three points that are in the plane but not in the same line. Hence, before naming a plane, the concept of a line should be considered. Ranking the three from best to worst will be: point, line, plane. The justification is that, the starting concept determines the next one.
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Point, Line & Plane:
Keywords : Rank, mathematical concepts, connection, procedures, strategies,