The melting of glaciers and the polar ice caps poses a devastating threat of potential flooding for low-lying areas. Scientists predict that a sea level rise of ________ would inundate areas such as the delta regions of Africa and Asia, peninsular Florida, Bangladesh, and most major coastal cities.
The melting ice is creating an exponential rise in the high tides and the rise in the warming of the planet is leading to the cause of the flow of more water to the coastal lands and the depletion of the freshwater reserves and the also the destruction of the habitats of the marine life.
This can inundate or drown the coastal lands and the small islands of the African region, Asia and the all major coastal cities of the world. Creating temperature extremes and water pollution, increase in salinity and destroying the lands wi massive flooding.
Impacting ocean circulation and then global sea levels would rise to opt about 7.2 meters activated climate change.