
Why are there successive layers of frozen ice in the middle of this band? a. Cryo-volcanic activity nearby resurfaced the gap over time from multiple eruptions. b. Impacts from asteroids caused the surface to crack multiple times from shock waves propogating through the icy surface crust. c. Numerous collisions between the two ice sheets caused the surface to fracture and split in multiple locations over time. d. Bending in the fault allowed the surface to be pulled apart, which created openings that allowed warmer, softer ice from below Europa's brittle ice shell surface, or frozen water from a possible subsurface ocean, to reach the surface. This softer ice then solidified and over time, multiple layers formed the structure seen today.

Respuesta :


b. Impacts from asteroids caused the surface to crack multiple times from shock waves propagating through the icy surface crust.


  • There are various collisions that are associated with the formation of the warmer ice sheets that leads to the creation of a softer ice from below and the Europa's brittle ice shell surface.
  • As it indicated that the Europa's ice shell is surrounded by a 25 km thick as thus ice which is solidified tend to get softer and melts over a period of time. And formations of multiple layers.
  • Other theories of the thick ice model states that that the heat was generated by these tides that centric rings shaped forms are due to the warm ice layers.

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