Respuesta :
Following are the program in c++ language
#include<iostream> // header file
using namespace std; // using namespace
void swapvalues(int& userVal1, int& userVal2);// fucnction declaration
int main() // main method
int x,y; // variable declaration
cout<<"Enter the two value before swapping:\n";
cin>>x>>y; // read the two input
cout<<"before swapping:";
cout<<x<<y; // display the value before swapping
swapvalues(x, y);
cout << "\nAfter swapping:";
cout<<x<<y; // display the value after swapping
return 0;
void swapvalues(int& userVal1, int& userVal2) // function definition
int t; // variable declaration
t = userVal1; // assign the value userval1 to variable t
userVal1 = userVal2; // assign the value userval2 to userval1
userVal2 = t; // assign the value of variable t to userval2
Enter the two value before swapping:
before swapping:3 8
After swapping :8 3
Following are the description of the program
- Declared a variable "x" and "y" of type "int".
- Read a input by user in x and y .
- Display the values of variable x and y before the swapping.
- Call the function swapvalues() by passing the value of x and y.
- After calling the console moved In the definition of swapvalues() Function where it interchanged the value of variable userVal1 and userVal2 by using third variable "t".
- After interchanged the console moved to the main function and finally display the value of variable "x" and "y' after the swapping.
Following are C++ programs on Swapping values:
#include <iostream>//header file
using namespace std;
void SwapValues(int& userVal1, int& userVal2)//defining the method SwapValues that takes two integer variable
int t;//defining integer variable t
//performing the swapping
t=userVal1;//using t variable that holds userVal1 value
userVal1=userVal2;//using userVal1 variable that holds userVal2 value
userVal2=t;//holding the t value in userVal2
cout<<"After swapping value: "<<userVal1<<" "<<userVal2;//printing the swapped value
int main()//defining the main method
int x,y;//defining integer variable that inputs value
cout<<"Input first number: ";//print message
cin>>x;//input value
cout<<"Input second number: ";//print message
cin>>y;//input value
cout<<"Before swapping value: "<<x<<" "<<y<<endl;//printing value
SwapValues(x,y);//calling method SwapValues
return 0;
Program Explanation:
- Defining the header file.
- Defining the method "SwapValues" that takes two integer variables "userVal1 and userVal2" inside the parameter.
- Inside the method, an integer variable "t" is declared that performs the swapping, and prints its value.
- Outside the method, the main method is declared that defines two integer variables "x,y" and input the value from the user-end.
- After that, we call the above method.
Please find the attached file.
Find out more information about the swapping here: