Which of the following describes a difference in the development of Neolithicagriculture in Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica?
A. Mesopotamians began domesticating animals 6,500 years before theMesoamericans.
B. The large mammals available in Mesopotamia were better suited toagriculture thanwere those in Mesoamerica.
C. Mesopotamians domesticated cattle, whereas Mesoamericansdomesticated horses.
D. not as many large mammals living in Mesopotamia as therewere living in

Which of the following describes a difference in the development of Neolithicagriculture in Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica A Mesopotamians began domesticating anim class=

Respuesta :

The answer is letter B. In the Mesopotamian area, the land is very fertile compared to Mesoamerica. This soil was  good for plant domestication. In this area, large mammals are used for plant domestication. In Mesopotamia, the large mammal present were not fit for eating.