Respuesta :
The right answer are in the picture attached.
A gamete is a sexual cell that allows sexual reproduction. The word gamete comes from elsewhere in ancient Greek and means "spouse".
Gametes function to merge to give birth to a new individual with unique genetic heritage.
The random loss of a chromosome of each pair allows the fertilization of two gametes with each other, whose fusion will give birth to an egg (zygote) endowed, like its parents, with 46 chromosomes.
* Meiosis consists of two successive cell divisions that will give birth to gametes.
At the end of meiosis, the original cell gave birth to four haploid cells whose genomes were recombined in a unique way.
* In humans, the cells that will participate in meiosis are spermatocytes and oocytes.
* In the cells that will enter into meiosis, the replication of A.D.N. occurred during interphase, each chromosome consists of 2 chromatids connected by their centromere. (Each chromatide is composed of a double-stranded A.D.N molecule and molecules that maintain its structure).
Mitosis is the process of reproducing (identical) cells.
At the end of the mitosis, the mother cell divided into daughter cells identical to each other and identical to the cell that gave birth to them.
This one can be broken down into 4 phases.
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase.
Somatic cells:
The set of somatic cells, called soma, are all the cells forming the body of a multicellular organism, that is, all non-germline cells, such as gametes, or cells. germ. These last ones constitute the germen.
Somatic cells are usually the vast majority of cells that make up an individual.
Asexual reproduction (there's no asexual cells in the proposed terms):
A vegetative or asexual cycle, in the context in which this word is used here, means: which does not concern reproduction but which concerns the physiological processes that ensure life, growth, development and multiplication when it is not sexual .
A vegetative or asexual cell is said to be, as opposed to reproductive, a cell whose function is related to nutrition. See the definition of endospore and especially vegetative propagation.
Sexual reproduction (there's no sexual cells in the proposed terms):
Sexual reproduction is a reproductive process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two different sex organisms through a different genital reproductive tract in both males and females. This process occurs in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes; in multicellular eukaryotic organisms, a new individual is created; in prokaryotes, there is scissiparity of the initial cell.