1) What percent of species will be gone in 100 years? ________________________ 2) The blue whale population today is being decimated due to what? ___________________ 3) Cool Fact about the blue whale it has the ____________________ song of any animal in the animal kingdom. 4) What does the buoy that was found have in it? 5) The Cornell bioacoustical lab has the largest data base of ___________________ on the planet. 6) 65 million years ago a ___________________caused dinosaurs to go extinct. 7) What is the cause of the asteroid that is causing the mass extinction today? ______________________ 8) What happened to the restaurant HUMP?______________________________ 9) _____________environmental activists have been killed in the last decade. (# of activists) 10) Extinction is driven by _____________________________(name one) . 11) Mass extinction is driven by change in ______________________________. 12) One factor that is the same in all mass extinctions is ________________________. 13) 1/3 to ½ of all Carbon Dioxide gets absorbed by the ____________________. 14) ______________________ causes more greenhouse gases that transmission gases. 15) The ______________________ generation is the single most impactful generation of humans on the planet.

Respuesta :


1. About 50% of the species.

2. Hunting.

3. Loudest sound

4.  Sea markings.

5. Biodiversity.

6. Cretaceous-Tertiary event.

7. Climate change and the volcanic eruptions.

8.  Banned from serving whale meat.

9. More than 200 activists.

10. Habitat loss, natural disasters and the over exploitation.

11. Sharp changes in the biodiversity.

12. Climate change

13. Oceans.

14. Carbon dioxide ad ozone, water vapour and  methane

15. Sixth or the anthropocene on earth.


  • As every one in five species on earth faces extinction and is going to rose about 50% by the end of this century and is due to the climatic and the ecological changes that takes place on earth.
  • The loudest animal on earth is the blue whale and is an endangered species.
  • A buoy ias floating device and is anchored and allowed to drift with the ocean currents.
  • The lab is unit of the cornel university, in new york it studies the bird and the wildlife through the research and education and conducts studies at all levels.
  • The K-T event created around 65 million years ago, is believed to cause the known extinction of dinosaurs. Deccan trap formation was a result of the formations o this mass extinction event.
  • Environmental killings id the activist includes the 185 in 2015 and the 200 plus in 2016 to 2018.
  • Mass extinction is associated with the fast changes of the biodiversity of a region.
  • The oceans and the water masses tends o absorb most of the carbon dioxide gases as it diffuse to the surrounding waters.

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