Deep social segregation
In "Kill a Mockingbird", the author delves into several problems that affect our current society exemplified in people from the book. One of the points that the author emphasizes is racism against people of African descent, exemplifying it in the injustice committed against Tom Robinson.
Tom Robinson and the Afro-descendant community are victims of social injustice in the cold United States solely because they are black. The fact of being black took away weight on the word of a white man, thus generating the feeling of helplessness. A characteristic fact of the black and white communities of the time. Under this premise, Afro-descendants suffer and struggle to achieve equality, because the white man had stripped anyone who was different from them; The freedom of action and thought. He exemplifies it well in the book when Tom warns that “As you grow up you will see white men cheat black men every day of your life,” consecrating yourself, as well as Tom Robinson's last fight to try to achieve freedom in his attempt to escape from unjust imprisonment, minutes before being shot and shot.
It is important to note that the novel carefully distinguishes between justice and revenge. There is an inherent feeling of repression regardless of the origin of the Maycomb community. All are despised and repressed. The novel stratifies this social injustice and shows how the Afro-descendant community is considered subhuman, where Robinson exemplifies the mistreatment between the Whites over the Black community, Boo Radley those false witnesses and the Ewells of social repression.