Climate is a long-term distinguished period with having a particular temperature and precipitation condition . It is also in a regional scale. Whereas weather is a short-term local event, which suggests about the condition of temperature and precipitation of a particular region.
For example, the tropical climate. This suggests the regions in tropic which have a nearly uniform temperature and precipitation condition. But today it is quite hot, this represents a short-term period, so here we should use today's weather is hot.
Where there is high solar radiation there we find a hotter climate and lower solar radiation colder climate. This we can relate to the latitude. At low latitude, we have a high angle solar radiation, hence hotter climate and at higher latitudes, there is a low angle solar radiation that's why colder climate.
Similarly the more the isolation (solar radiation) more will be the precipitation. That's why at low latitudes we have more rainfall than the high latitude regions.
The global climate is changing rapidly due to increase of the greenhouse gases. These gases include CO₂, CO, CH₄ etc. These gases trap the terrestrial radiation from the earth's surface, that's why the lower atmospheric heat can't escape out. This will make the lower atmosphere as a closed system and hence the temperature will rise. Hence global warming. As global warming, it will lead to the melting of the polar ice. That will cause the sea level rise.
The major threat for Florida due to climate change is the sea level rise. As the polar ice is melting, the global sea level is increasing. As Florida is a coastal state, so a small increase in the sea level can make the total state underwater. This is the biggest threat to Florida. Other consequences increase in temperature etc .