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Flowering plants (Ans. C)


Gymnosperms are the non-flowering plants and produce seeds that are not enclosed within an ovary. they contain their seeds on the surface of the leaves and open to the air which is directly fertilized with the help of fertilization.

Gymnosperms include:

1) Cycads (division Cycadophyta): These are woody trunks, evergreen compound leaves. The example includes cycas.

2) Conifers (division Pinophyta): Theses are woody, cone-bearing shrubs and tissues with vascular tissues. Examples include Pines, Redwoods, Cedars. etc.

3) Ginkgo biloba (division Gynkgophyta): These are a cylinder, large and fan-shaped leaves. The example is Ginkgo biloba.

So, the flowering plants are not included in gymnosperms.

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