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That is just how computers interpret data. They use 0s and 1s to form everything we see on the screen.
Physically, a 0 would represent a low voltage current, while a 1 would represent a high voltage current.
In the case of HDDs for instance, 1s and 0s are representatives of the position of tiny magnets. Depending on their orientation, they're a 1 or a 0, and that's how information is stored.
Data processing is the purpose of computer systems, that accomplish, the use of electronic circuits which act as a switch that can be turned on/off. These two states were representing the binary form: Whenever a switch is turned off, it is represented by a 0.
- It stores the data, computers employ the binary numbers 0 and 1.
- A computer's processor's circuits are made up of billions of transistors.
- A transistor is a small switch that is operated by electronic signals.
- The binary digits represent the on and off states of a transistor.
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