Harry Potter Dictionary
I am going through the Harry Potter books and writing definitions for any non-muggle words I find. I will also add words from lessons which do not appear in the books.
I will include spells, objects, places, potions, ingredients, animals, plants and historic people.
Feel free to use this dictionary if there are any words in your lessons or on this website that you do not understand or do not know the meaning of.
Last Updated
Chapter 6
Fera Verto - Fera Verto. A Class-A Transfigurative Spell. Transfigures animals into any variation of crockery (goblets, plates etc.). When the spell wears off it reverts back to its original animal form unharmed. Does not truly diminish life due to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration.
Firebolt - The fastest broomstick of it's time. A world-class broom and very expensive due to it's high quality parts. See 'Broomstick'
Flight Charms - Spells which allow limited forms of off-ground movement. See 'Floating Charm', 'Hover Charm', 'Levitation Charm' and 'Rocket Charm'
Floating Charm - Fluito. Wand movement: jab and upward flick. The controlled vertical movement of an object, but can only be levitated a few feet and cannot move in any other direction.
Fresh Nettles - See 'Nettle'