Harry Potter Dictionary
I am going through the Harry Potter books and writing definitions for any non-muggle words I find. I will also add words from lessons which do not appear in the books.
I will include spells, objects, places, potions, ingredients, animals, plants and historic people.
Feel free to use this dictionary if there are any words in your lessons or on this website that you do not understand or do not know the meaning of.
Last Updated
Chapter 17
Quaffle - Large red ball. The Chasers use it to score in the opposite teams hoops and the Keepers catch it to stop the other team from scoring. See 'Quidditch'
Quidditch - Sport in the wizarding world played on brooms. There are 7 players on teach team, a Keeper, a Seeker, Three Chasers and Two Beaters. The chasers throw the Quaffle through the three hoops and the Keeper stops the opposite team from getting in through the hoops. The Beaters protect the players from the two Bludgers. The Seeker searches for the Snitch and once it is caught it scores 150 points and ends the game.