Harry Potter Dictionary
I am going through the Harry Potter books and writing definitions for any non-muggle words I find. I will also add words from lessons which do not appear in the books.
I will include spells, objects, places, potions, ingredients, animals, plants and historic people.
Feel free to use this dictionary if there are any words in your lessons or on this website that you do not understand or do not know the meaning of.
Last Updated
Chapter 13
Ministry of Magic - The government for the wizarding community in Britain, established in the 1400s. In charge of upholding the law and enforcing the Statute of Secrecy. Countries have their own Ministries of Magic, established based on cultural values and location. Known departments within the Ministry are Magical Law Enforcement, Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, International Magical Cooperation, Magical Transportation, Magical Games and Sports and the Department of Mysteries
Mixture - A physical combination where ingredients retain their properties. For example, sugar and salt can be mixed together but can still be separated again.
Monkshood - See 'Aconite'
Mooncalf Dung - A gentle fertiliser used for sensitive plants. It is weaker than dragon dung and has a lower vitamin content.
Muggle - A person without magical ability.