The Parseltongue Twins (completed)
written by Elijah Malfoy
Yes there is a member of Hogwarts is Here named Kye, no this is not a real story, they said that I could use their character in my story though. This story is loosely based on my back story.
Last Updated
Chapter Six: Parseltongue
Chapter 6
One day, Kye and I were outside after lunch with the other kids in the orphanage. (By that we mean sitting in the shade under a tree while the other kids are running around and chasing each other.) We were always the weird ones at the orphanage. If we went outside, we would always sit under the tree, otherwise we were always in our room. This particular day was different and we could both feel it, nobody else could, but we could. Suddenly we heard all the other kids screaming and saw them running inside. The orphanage owners made sure everyone was inside, but they forgot about us. Typical. A moment later we saw the source of the problem. There was a large snake slithering in the grass. We weren't scared though. We had always managed to avoid trouble. All the orphanage children were watching us through the windows. Kye and I looked at each other. This was why we could feel today was different. Knowing we were magical, we had studied all things magic since we got to the orphanage. One time we were reading a book about parseltounge, the language of snakes. Beside Harry potter, who we had also learned about while reading, was the only known parseltounge who was not Slytherin. We stood up and walked towards the snake. It stopped slithering and looked up at us, like it was expecting us to say something. Kye and I looked at each other, and I stepped towards the snake. "Hi". The snake looked pleased with himself. He slithered closer to us and Kye stepped closer towards me. "My job here isss done," the snake said as he slithered away. Kye and I looked at each with a quizzical look on our faces. There was no doubt about it. We had the ability to speak parseltounge.