Charms Notes Years One through Seven
written by Magnolia Peirce
These are my notes. I have a written copy in my dorms if you would like more info. It goes over the introductions and each notes. I will do one for every year I am in Hogwarts, I will also write down notes about reading material. If you have any questions, ask me. -Magnolia Pierce, A Ravenclaw first year
Last Updated
Charms Notebook = Year One
Chapter 1
Taught By: Professor Virneburg
Lesson = Topic
One = Intro, History, Ancient Foci
Two = Accessing Your Power
Three = Wand Properties and Movements
Four = Incantations
Five = The Importance of Concentration
Six = Applying Your Will
Seven = Static and Dynamic Spells
Eight = Putting it all Together
Nine = Yearly Review and Final Exam
Keep a Notebook: 2-5 paragraphs with 5 sent. minimum per paragraph
No Required Reading
Lesson = Topic
One = Intro, History, Ancient Foci
Two = Accessing Your Power
Three = Wand Properties and Movements
Four = Incantations
Five = The Importance of Concentration
Six = Applying Your Will
Seven = Static and Dynamic Spells
Eight = Putting it all Together
Nine = Yearly Review and Final Exam
Keep a Notebook: 2-5 paragraphs with 5 sent. minimum per paragraph
No Required Reading