The Magical And Mundane Cook Book For Witches And Wizards
This cook book has compiled many recipes that are handy for every witch and wizard! From meals to drinks to desserts and more, use non-magical and/or magical ingredients to make your own delicious dishes! There is even a bonus chapter for recipes themed around our wizarding savior- The Boy Who Lived! This book will be updated as time goes on, please bear with me. Not all recipes are made/edited/tweaked by the author, but some of them are. Bibliography for sources for many of the recipes in the back of the book. Please comment if there is a recipe you wish to see, share, improve, etc. Compiled, edited, drawn, and written by Mads Malfoy ★
Last Updated
Author'S Note
Chapter 2
Hello, thank you for reading The Magical and Mundane Cook Book for Witches and Wizards! This book is chock-full of recipes that any magical person can make! Some of the recipes require magical items, but most food is made by the same ingredients that muggle food is made by- we are still human, after all, and this isn't potions. However, we do occasionally need magical substances for our dishes. For those wizards and witches who live in a muggle home, or do not have access to magical ingredients, do not fear! I have provided a non-magical substitute for every magical item listed. Because this is a Magical and Mundane cook book, there are no recipes that require only or irreplaceable magical ingredients. Even a muggle could make most of these! I will be updating this book chapter by chapter, recipe by recipe when I have time. Please be patient with me! I will put an italic New!! by every recipe that has been added in the last 3 days. If you have any suggestions, recipes, improvements, complaints, etc that you would like me to see, simply comment below. Now please- cook, bake, make, and enjoy!
- Mads Malfoy ★