Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
written by Faith Dawson
This book contains all information about beasts and creatures, that you’ll ever need. Great book for learning.
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Chapter 3
Dementors are probably the most terrifying creatures in the world.
They feed on human happiness and human souls. They can make you relive your worst memories, and the more you’ve gone through the worse they’ll make you feel. When a dementor is close, everything will be cold and water will get iced and you’ll feel very depressed. The feeling is described as one of the worst ever, like you’ll never be happy again.
Dementors work at Azkaban prison, where the worst witches and wizards are sent. If a wizard or witch commits a crime, that is unforgivable, they’ll be sentenced to go through the “Dementors Kiss”. That action is worse than death. The dementor will consume your soul, and leave you lifeless. All you’ll be able to do after that is stare on walls.
Dementors can’t die, but they can avoid you. If you use the “Patronus Charm” (charm that you can perform when you think of your happiest memory), they’ll avoid you.
Dementors have a humanoid shape, they wear long black cloaks, and they are described as skinny, bony and grey. They have empty eye sockets covered with scabbed skin, and they have large holes to consume souls with, where the mouth should be.
Dementors were born on the islan,d, where Azkaban stands today. A very dark wizard made them there, to keep him company. As long as he lived the island was protected from the outside world, and nobody knew about the island. But when he died, suddenly there was a new island. The ministry of Magic sent some of their best witches and wizards, to find out more about that island, but they never returned. So soon they sent nearly the whole ministry there, and when they saw the dementors who were so hungry for souls, the minister of magic came up with a great idea. He PROMISED the dementors fresh souls from dark wizards, if they promised to guard the prison that he wanted to build there. The dementors agreed. The minister also came up with the Patronus charm, that would protect the workers from the ministry.