An Anthology of 18th Century Charms
written by Rosalina Milanette
If you need any clarification feel free to owl me!
Last Updated
Chapter 2 Synostrix Charm
Chapter 2
This chapter is dedicated to the fine art of charming the warts off an Ebenezer - in other words, a nose. Such a charm has been overused and dreadfully misinterpreted in many cases relating to Muggle short stories and such. However, in 18th century wizarding times there seemed to be a plague of some sort that cause dun sightly boils and wart-like protrusions to sprout across the entirety of one’s face and sometimes arms. It is said that this charm, Synostrix, had dramatically varied results. It was not uncommon that a witch or wizard would find that they were missing more than a wart or two after completion. Nevertheless, the Synostrix Charm was one of the more popular means by which medieval wizards would resort to in order to charm off these growths. One should keep in mind that in these times, hexes were thought to be one of the more ultimate evils and so most resorted to the more “pure” art of charms.
Venustas Synostrix
Ut venustus wrent de synos greengrass incendia quod infuseth of amoria radix shehld exsisto instituo. Illaduos ingredients sehld exsisto madidus in a lebes insquequo characteristic phasmatis quod viridis stomachatares ut emit ex superficies of venenum. Locus caput capitis supremus brew parumper discretionable tractus of vicis , usitas discrepo ex severitas of theca. Tunc veneficus vel veneficus should take virga quod revolvoSynostrix " insquequo verus praecessi es perficio. Is est suadeo ut a planta of juniper bacca should exist added iuxta carmen.
Translation: When charming the warts off a nose, greengrass fire and infusion of amoria root should be found.These two ingredients should be boiled in a cauldron until characteristic spirals and green fumes being to emit from the surface of the potion. Place the head above the brew for a specific length of time, usually varying from the severity of the case. Then the witch or wizard should take the wand and repeat "Synostrix" until the proper results are achieved. It is recommended that a sprig of juniper berry should be added just before incantation.
Venustas Synostrix
Ut venustus wrent de synos greengrass incendia quod infuseth of amoria radix shehld exsisto instituo. Illaduos ingredients sehld exsisto madidus in a lebes insquequo characteristic phasmatis quod viridis stomachatares ut emit ex superficies of venenum. Locus caput capitis supremus brew parumper discretionable tractus of vicis , usitas discrepo ex severitas of theca. Tunc veneficus vel veneficus should take virga quod revolvoSynostrix " insquequo verus praecessi es perficio. Is est suadeo ut a planta of juniper bacca should exist added iuxta carmen.
Translation: When charming the warts off a nose, greengrass fire and infusion of amoria root should be found.These two ingredients should be boiled in a cauldron until characteristic spirals and green fumes being to emit from the surface of the potion. Place the head above the brew for a specific length of time, usually varying from the severity of the case. Then the witch or wizard should take the wand and repeat "Synostrix" until the proper results are achieved. It is recommended that a sprig of juniper berry should be added just before incantation.