An Anthology of 18th Century Charms
written by Rosalina Milanette
If you need any clarification feel free to owl me!
Last Updated
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Ancient Charms
Chapter 1
There is a popular muggle quote that says "don't judge a book by its cover". However, in this case you can!This enormous ancient intriguing grimoire is packed with a treasure trove of secret charms as valuable as the gold trimmed pages that grasp the words themselves. Luckily this book is in your possession, so you can fully enjoy the once lost treasures that were at one time common practice in the eighteenth century.You might be asking yourself "who could possibly use a book filled with these ancient outdated charms"?Ancient, yes. Outdated, surprisingly enough, no! These charms will quickly prove themselves as extremely useful and practical. Soon you will be the envy of all as you will have magical abilities and spells that no one has heard of before!These cherished charms were simply lost in time, and we have dug through the deepest dungeons, long forgotten or vanished libraries, dust ridden attics, and even a few crumbly closed crypts to find an extremely rare compilation of some of the finest magic ever produced! Think about it. This book has hundreds of years'worth of research, and magical expertise passed down by some of the finest witches and wizards that ever lived. We've simply bound all this work together into a book that you will be sure to pass down to future generations. Some of the most effective charms produced were once horded and kept secret, therefore giving the maker or owner the solitary power to use that magic. Now we are practically giving that carefully guarded magic to you! While some of the wording may seem confusing, since our language has changed considerably since the eighteenth century, we have provided translation where necessary. There is also an alternate ingredients list available in the index. While some of the words and ingredients may be altered you'll be sure to find this book completely and utterly charming.