Magical Mercury - Log Book Of A Different Holiday
In 2075, the Wizarding World, with the help of an ingenious muggleborn Rune Master, scientist and engineer, was able to create a permanent base on Mercury. The mission was two-fold: testing and hopefully finding traces of magic outside of our planet, and to fund the base and research by allowing civilians to visit Mercury. In 2082, Cynthia Cousland realized one of her dreams by being one of those civilians taking a holiday on Mercury. Follow her as she embarked on this 7-day adventure.
Last Updated
Entry 14042082
Chapter 3
Another easy
day. Today we went for a walk in some intercrater plains. These plains are
called like this because they are scattered among the larger craters and
relatively flat. You could see the craters in the distance, some closer than
others. The plains were covered of gently rising and falling hills. It somewhat
reminded of the grassy hills of Scotland, without the grass and all grey of
course. But even with the lack of colours, the view still takes your breath
away. It felt like one of those places that make you stop thinking. Where you
just want to sit for an hour or two and let the magic flow through you. I’ve
felt that in places like Stonehenge and Machu Picchu, but I never thought I’d find
this feeling on Mercury. Could magic not be restricted to Earth? Is it what
these researchers are studying?