Magical Mercury - Log Book Of A Different Holiday
In 2075, the Wizarding World, with the help of an ingenious muggleborn Rune Master, scientist and engineer, was able to create a permanent base on Mercury. The mission was two-fold: testing and hopefully finding traces of magic outside of our planet, and to fund the base and research by allowing civilians to visit Mercury. In 2082, Cynthia Cousland realized one of her dreams by being one of those civilians taking a holiday on Mercury. Follow her as she embarked on this 7-day adventure.
Last Updated
Entry 12042082
Chapter 1
I finally
made it to Mercury. The runic portkey pads they have created for the travel are
quite impressive. First thing we did on our arrival is receive a safety brief.
It is Mercury after all. Temperature outside in the sunlit areas is around 400°C
so there are a lot of precautions to take and measures in place for our safety.
They have these nifty bracelets, anklets and necklaces that are enchanted to
protect us. First they serve as shield against the heat and the UV rays coupled
with cooling charm because otherwise we would all burn to a crisp as soon as we
set foot outside. Then they supply oxygen in a modified version of the
bubble-head charm because otherwise we’d all asphyxiate. They are also used as
some sort of gravity control so we can walk normally out there. And finally
they serve as emergency portkey to the underground facilities. That’s where I
am right now. Anyways, I’m really excited for tomorrow! We’re going topside for
a couple of hours to get the feel of things. Time for bed now.