
written by Maya Junkins

Last Updated






Chapter 2-Jonathan

Chapter 2

I knew I was special ever since I was five. My father is a famous scientist, who studies human DNA`s.  My  mother just runs a small candy shop, but she is the best mom in the world.  She always brings home sweets, and home schools me. But for my father, I can't really say the same.  He never does anything with me and he is always working on some “important project”.  Ever since he discovered my “power”, or “wonder”,what he likes to call it, he`s been a little bit more interested in me. I went to a girl`s birthday party two years ago, and that is when I realized there were more people like me.  I tried to develop a name for people who are different and the only thing I came up with were The Temerarious, another word for fearless.  The girl`s mom was the one who invited me, since we were neighbors. I was happy that she invited me, because I discovered one of the most important things in my life.

“ I want to go to school” I said one day during breakfast.”You do”replied my mom with a laugh “ I home school you,remember?” I was not joking! I needed to talk to that girl! “ I want to go to real school,you know, like that public school.”I said. “Fine!”said my mom “I`ll pick you up after school in the car!” I was startled. My father usually would disagree. You could get hurt, there are bullies, the cafeteria food isn't healthy,blah blah blah. But no! He just kept reading his newspaper like I didn`t say a word.

We drove up to the Richard Hills Middle school,in our white four-door jeep. I observed the tall, thick vines that crept up the side of the building.  I had a feeling I would regret this in the end.  But this is important.  “Ok” said my mom unexpectedly “Goodbye! Have a good day!” I said goodbye to my mom and rushed out of the car to the entrance. Swarms of kids crowded the doorway to the school.  Suddenly, I heard a loud bell ring.  Kids started pouring into the school, heading to class.

As I approached the school, I noticed a skinny man, standing in the entrance, welcoming kids.He was a tall, balding man, who had a cheerful smile.  So cheerful, it seemed like it was fake.  He had on a navy blue suit and a striped tie.  He seemed like a pretty nice guy.  On his suit, next to his pocket he had a name tag that read Mr.Wilson : principal “Um...he-hello sir” I stammered “I`m Jonathan a new student,can you me where to go?” “Welcome to Richard Hills Jonathan!” he said.  Then he pulled out a clipboard from the inside of his suit and gave me a schedule and a map of the school.  “Room 319, first one on the left.

School was fun.  First I had science, then math and next, art.  But social studies was the thing I was most looking forward too. The girl, Katie, was in my class.  While the teacher was taking attendance, I whispered to Katie “Hey Katie! I know this may sound crazy, but I have powers too!” “Jonathan?” she asked “I didn't know there were more people like me! What can you do?”

“I'm strong… like really strong” Katie stared at me in awe. “You know it is the last week of school, right?” I nodded.  “Stop talking you two!” snapped our strict teacher, Mrs. Henson.  This time, we both nodded.

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