Murder Most Unwizardlike
written by Katniss Potter
THIS IS AN ONGOING BOOK-not finished yet. A death at Hogwarts leaves the school shocked and unstable. Can Xanthe solve the mystery of the murder- or is it too late?
Last Updated
The Essay
Chapter 2
‘There we go. Done.’
Helda handed me back the ten-sheet essay, and I flipped through it, dazed. ‘Why the hell did you do it?’ I breathed.
Helda turned pink. ‘What would you rather- face the deadly wrath of Artermus tomorrow, or not do a thing and have it done?’
I laughed. ‘I think I know the answer,’ I said, tucking the essay away in my bag. ‘Anyway- thank you so much, I owe you one.’
‘In fact, you owe me thirty-six now, but…. Never mind.’ Hilda collapsed into the armchair next to mine. ‘That’s what friends are for, am I right?’
‘I’m still surprised you weren’t put in Hufflepuff,’ I said airily.
‘To be fair, I was a Hatstall between that and this.’ She gestured to the Gryffindor Common Room with a grin.
It felt like ages ago that I had sat in the Great Hall, a scared first-year with no friends and no knowledge of magic. I had been Sorted nearly instantly into Gryffindor, and I remember walking slowly to the Gryffindor table, ashamed of all the eyes following me. But one girl I was sitting near to, a girl with fluffy blonde hair and soft brown eyes, smiled and whispered, ‘Well done! I was nearly a Hufflepuff.’ I gave a shaky smile, still in shock of not being put into a bad house.
‘Xanthe… Xanthe?’
A voice snapped me back to attention. Helda was waving five pages of parchment in front of my face. ‘You want me to do this now or in the morning? It’s ten o’clock already. You really don’t want to be tired tomorrow, it’s a Hogsmeade day!’
I shook my head. ‘I’ll do it in the morning,’ I yawned, standing up slowly. ‘C’mon, let’s go get some sleep.’
We trudged upstairs to our dorm, collapsing onto our beds. ‘Night, Helda,’ I whispered, eyelids drooping already.
‘Goodnight, Xanthe.’