Well it'll be called, double explorer
Chapter 2
And we all know the tall skinny men $. THeir was another Illuminati treasure, so another three tall skinny woman, and they were going to find the Illuminati treasure too. You have to go through the most dangerous place on earth. THe mega-la-dons nest. And then they have to dig down without being eaten alive or drowning. So they brought a heater with was really stupid. And the mega-la-don read 'Do not cover' He thought do not cover with your mouth. So he ignored it and ate it getting a big electric shock. And then it made a crown of electrocuted Mega-la-dons. Andddd they fell into another big tomb, and fall the people it was a little 'Zapping' Hehehe. So this bed to sleep out and in the morning they wet their bed!. And I don't mean the piss I mean a big bucket of water. So apparently all the way to the treasure. And apparently from all the traps they were BOLD!! So they found the treasure but this one was trap. And so they fell into this giant room again, and it was connected to the sewers. So that's the end of this chapter.