Mysterious Magic
A collection of mysteries, theories, and paradoxes found within the magical world. Some may have been solved, while others are still shrouded in their secrets. But they are here, and they will make you think about every spell you cast.
Last Updated
Chapter 1
Dear Reader,
The book you are currently holding is perhaps the only one of its kind in the Wizarding world. Why, you ask? Well, just beyond this page are the paradoxes and mysteries of magic.
So, what is the difference between a paradox and a mystery? A paradox is when two things can't both be true at the same time, leaving you, the student, in a confusing endless loop, searching for the right answer.
A mystery is simply a question that no one knows the answer to. I won't be covering these as much in this book, as wizards are likely to find the answers sooner or later.
However, in every chapter, I merge Muggle science with our magic in an attempt to explain these strange happenings. Many purebloods reading this book won't understand much of the Muggle science, which is why I'll do my best to explain the science used for each chapter. And, as always, if all else fails, you can go and ask a Muggleborn student for help.
Aina Aizen