Magical Creatures found in the USA (A-Z Magical Beasts Volume 2)
written by Snitch-Tail
From the ashwinder to the zombie, this book is full of information about the beasts found in the United States of America. Beasts with XXXXX have a ⚠️ symbol with the precaution written
Last Updated
G & H
Chapter 4
Ghoul: an ugly creature that resembles a slimy, buck-toothed ogre
M.O.M Classification: XX
Gnome: a magical creature commonly known to infest the gardens of wizarding households
M.O.M Classification: XX
Hidebehind (native to Massachusetts): a nocturnal, forest-dwelling spectre-like beast that preys on human-like Creatures
M.O.M Classification: XXXX
Hodag: a frog-headed creature that was known to exist in the New World
M.O.M Classification: XXX
Horned Serpent: a magical snake with a horned head
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX
⚠️ Fierce
M.O.M Classification: XX
Gnome: a magical creature commonly known to infest the gardens of wizarding households
M.O.M Classification: XX
Hidebehind (native to Massachusetts): a nocturnal, forest-dwelling spectre-like beast that preys on human-like Creatures
M.O.M Classification: XXXX
Hodag: a frog-headed creature that was known to exist in the New World
M.O.M Classification: XXX
Horned Serpent: a magical snake with a horned head
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX
⚠️ Fierce