The Unofficial Guide to Hogwarts: Year 1
written by Victoria Hayes
An amazing guide of all things things you need to know about here so that you can survive your first yeaar!
Last Updated
Main Bar
Chapter 2
We will start with your main bar which is at the top of your screen. Depending on your house it will be a color. Since I'm a Ravenclaw my main bar is blue. The light-colored box that says, "Search HiH" is the search bar. Your name, how many house points you have, and your profile picture is in the top right corner of your screen. Your profile picture is the first thing. Next is your name and then the number in the parentheses is how many house points you have. If you click on the arrow by the number in parentheses then it will drop down. Your messages is the electronic owl post. You can send and receive owls through that. The "My dorm" is a shortcut that you can get to the dorm you are in just by clicking it. The "view profile" is where you can view your profile and see how it looks. The "my friends" is just a list of all of your friends. The "edit profile" is where you can obviously edit your profile. The "settings" is no doubt your settings. At the bottom of the drop down is the "log out" thing. That obviously logs you out.
Next to your name and that stuff is that little envelope. If you click on that it takes you to your messages. It's like clicking the "my messages" in the drop down. Next to that is the little lightning bolt. That is your notifications. When you have new notifications a little circle will pop up next to it and tell you how many notifications you have.
Under the search bar is the "HiH" thing. If you click that you will get another drop down. The "dashboard" is where anyone on this website can post pictures, videos, links, or just write. The "Who's online" shows you who's online. The "code of conduct" tells you all the rules for going here at Hogwarts. The "HiH user guide" is another great guide that I recommend looking at. The "Frequently asked questions (FAQ)" is all the frequently asked questions that I would also recommend looking at. The "support HiH" is where you can give monastery donations (money) to support this website.
Next to all that stuff is the "Hogwarts" drop down. The "house points" shows you how many house points each house has. The "leader board" is who has the most house points. The "dormitories" is where you can join a dorm or even make your own. After you join a dorm or make your own you can't join another one or get out of that one. Also after you join/make a dorm when you click on this button you will go strait to that dorm.
Next to that is the "groups and role plays" is where you can join a group/role play or make your own. Next to that is the "courses" this is where you can sign up for your classes. (I would recommend sticking to the first year courses and the extra curricular courses.) To the right of that is the library where you can read and write your own books! Next to that is the forums where there are all types of topics to talk about with other people here at Hogwarts! To the right of that is "magazine" where you can subscribe to a magazine written exclusively by HiH!
So that is all you need to know about your main bar! Onto the next chapter we go!
Next to your name and that stuff is that little envelope. If you click on that it takes you to your messages. It's like clicking the "my messages" in the drop down. Next to that is the little lightning bolt. That is your notifications. When you have new notifications a little circle will pop up next to it and tell you how many notifications you have.
Under the search bar is the "HiH" thing. If you click that you will get another drop down. The "dashboard" is where anyone on this website can post pictures, videos, links, or just write. The "Who's online" shows you who's online. The "code of conduct" tells you all the rules for going here at Hogwarts. The "HiH user guide" is another great guide that I recommend looking at. The "Frequently asked questions (FAQ)" is all the frequently asked questions that I would also recommend looking at. The "support HiH" is where you can give monastery donations (money) to support this website.
Next to all that stuff is the "Hogwarts" drop down. The "house points" shows you how many house points each house has. The "leader board" is who has the most house points. The "dormitories" is where you can join a dorm or even make your own. After you join a dorm or make your own you can't join another one or get out of that one. Also after you join/make a dorm when you click on this button you will go strait to that dorm.
Next to that is the "groups and role plays" is where you can join a group/role play or make your own. Next to that is the "courses" this is where you can sign up for your classes. (I would recommend sticking to the first year courses and the extra curricular courses.) To the right of that is the library where you can read and write your own books! Next to that is the forums where there are all types of topics to talk about with other people here at Hogwarts! To the right of that is "magazine" where you can subscribe to a magazine written exclusively by HiH!
So that is all you need to know about your main bar! Onto the next chapter we go!