The Secret Spells
If you're a Professor, you best just walk past this book. But if you're a student, this is where you want to look. Want to know the true weapons of magic? Here are the hidden spells, which Hogwarts will never teach you ... Officially.
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Sectusempra And Levicorpus
Chapter 1
Incantation: sec-TUM-semp-ra
Hand Movement: Slash
Light: White
Type: Curse
Sectumsempra is a very useful curse that inflicts slashing wounds on the victim, as if they had been struck by a sword. I found this spell hidden, in a notebook I found behind a shelf in the Hogwarts Library. It requires little practice, and it's potency is quite remarkable. The wounds you inflict, however, are very dangerous and can be hard to cure without the proper spell. Unfortunately the notebook was torn and I only know half the incantation of the counter spell: Vulnera. If you know the second part, please tell me!
Incantation: levi-COR-pus
Hand Movement: Upward flick
Light: Green
Type: Jinx
Levicorpus is another spell which I found on the same notebook. It allows you to levitate a victim, causing them to dangle in the air from their ankle. Isn't that hilarious? With practice, it is apparently easy to learn to cast this spell verbally. I, myself, have not yet practiced this as I'm merely learning to master the spell myself. But perhaps you could, hm?
The counter spell for Levicorpus is Liberacorpus (lib-ER-a-COR-pus). The hand movement for this counter spell is simply jerking your hand upwards.