Cursebreaking for Curse-Breakers
written by Hermione Potter
This textbook should be in possession of every student attending Cursebreaking. However, Hogwarts stores copies which can be found in the Specified Magic Section of the library.
Last Updated
Deprehensio Mutatio
Chapter 5
Chapter Five
Transformation Detection Charm
Deprehensio Mutatio
___ D E P R E H E N S I O . M U T A T I O
______ Deep-RE-HEN-see-OH _ Mut-AH-she-OH
An essential tool for curse-breakers, Deprehensio Mutatio, is a spell which can detect the presence of transfigured objects. Throughout history, common switching and transformation spells have been used to deter Egyptian grave robbers from finding the secret tombs hidden within the pyramids of the pharaohs. Even in ancient catacombs, including Rome and Paris, this spell has been notoriously useful searching for hidden tombs to excavate gold, silver, or magical artifacts.
Of Latin origin, Deprehensio means "detection", while Mutatio roughly translates to "alteration" or "transformation."
Beginning at the waist, guide the wand in an upward circular spiral until the tip has ascended over the casters head.
If performed correctly, any and all transfigured objects in the vicinity will begin to glow an opalescent silver for a short duration.
Transformation Detection Charm
Deprehensio Mutatio
___ D E P R E H E N S I O . M U T A T I O
______ Deep-RE-HEN-see-OH _ Mut-AH-she-OH
An essential tool for curse-breakers, Deprehensio Mutatio, is a spell which can detect the presence of transfigured objects. Throughout history, common switching and transformation spells have been used to deter Egyptian grave robbers from finding the secret tombs hidden within the pyramids of the pharaohs. Even in ancient catacombs, including Rome and Paris, this spell has been notoriously useful searching for hidden tombs to excavate gold, silver, or magical artifacts.
Of Latin origin, Deprehensio means "detection", while Mutatio roughly translates to "alteration" or "transformation."
Beginning at the waist, guide the wand in an upward circular spiral until the tip has ascended over the casters head.
If performed correctly, any and all transfigured objects in the vicinity will begin to glow an opalescent silver for a short duration.