The Standard Book of Spells Grade One
written by Hermione Potter
A handy book of spells that covers relatively easy spells for first and second years. Several copies can always be found in Hogwarts Library. This book will cover simple spells like Lumos, Nox or Wingardium Leviosa.
Last Updated
Flight Charms
Chapter 2
Chapter Two
Flight Charms
People have tried to make different types of Flight Charms, which will be covered in this chapter, however, the original and the best remains the following one...
__W I N G A R D I U M . L E V I O S A
Also known as the Levitation Charm, the spell is used to levitate an object.
The spell allows the caster to levitate even the heavy objects that he himself would never be able to lift. The charmed object can be easily maneuvered around, and could soar high in the sky as long as the caster can see the floating object. Sadly, the charm cannot levitate human beings; It is actually their clothing that's being levitated. What could be levitated is entirely dependent upon the caster's skills and the object's mass.
The Levitation Charm was first developed in the sixteenth centuryby Jarleth Hobart. On 16 July, 1544, Hobart invited a large crowd of wizards, among which was the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, to witness his "maiden flight" — a public demonstration of his own revolutionary charm on himself. He climbed onto the roof of his local church and, after several speeches and a rousing performance of the national anthem he leaped. Having cast the spell, he was left hovering in mid-air.
At first, he seemed to have succeeded but, after having spent nearly three minutes watching him hanging in mid-air, the crowd grew impatient to see him move somewhere, and booed him. In response to the booing, Hobart tried to move in midair, and started performing childish swimming movements, which produced no effect. Mistakenly believing that his clothes were making him heavier and impeding his movement, Hobart stripped thus making him fall several meters onto the ground below, as it were the clothes that were holding him up in the air — they had been charmed by the Levitation Charm, not Hobart himself. He fell completely naked on the ground, breaking 16 bones, and went on the receive a penalty for extraordinary stupidity from the Chief Warlock.
Wingardium is a composite word based on: English to wing meaning "to fly"; arduus (meaning "high, tall, lofty, steep, proudly elevated" or arduum (meaning "steep place, the steep" ; and the common Latin ending -ium. Leviosa probably derives from Latin levo, meaning to "raise, lift up", or levis, meaning light (of weight). Altogether, therefore, the incantation could best be read as "lift up high".
Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Wand Movement: Swish and flick
Willpower: Low; Visualize your energy coming from your body and lifting the object.
Concentration: Moderate; on the thing you want to levitate
Hover Charm
__L E V I O S O
One of the first spells devised to try to outshine the Levitation Charm is known as the Hover Charm. Once cast upon an object that you are physically touching in some way, it allows you to move that object up and down. Due to its impractical nature and the advent of more efficient charms, the Hover Charm does not see much use.
Hover Charm
Incantation: Levioso (lev-ee-O-so)
Wand Movement: Inward spiral then upward flick
Willpower: Moderate; determines how heavy of an object can be lifted.
Concentration: None
Rocket Charm
__A L A R T E . A S C E N D A R E
Another charm you should know is called the Rocket Charm. This charm does not require that you be touching your target, which is a significant improvement. However, it is only capable of propelling an object straight up into the air and back down again. The height obtained is somewhat controllable depending upon the effort you put into it. However the height is not very significant and heavier objects will move less, making this a fairly impractical charm with limited use.
Rocket Charm
Incantation: Alarte Ascendare (A-lar-tay a-SEN-day-ray)
Wand Movement: Quick swish
Willpower: High; determines how high the object will ascend before falling
Concentration: None
Floating Charm
__F L U I T O
Some time after these spells were created, the Floating Charm was developed. Unlike the Hover Charm, this spell can target a distant object rather than requiring physical contact. Unlike the Rocket Charm, this spell involves controlled vertical movement. However, the charm is not without its limitations. Objects can only be levitated a handful of feet into the air, and they cannot be directed to move any other way besides up and down. This charm still found some practical use, however; shopkeepers and the occasional witch or wizard doing some spring cleaning could levitate an object long enough to then clean and see what was underneath it.
Floating Charm
Incantation: Fluito (floo-EE-toe)
Wand Movement: Jab then upward flick
Willpower: High to very high depending on weight and distance of target
Concentration: Moderate; should be maintained on target object
Flight Charms
People have tried to make different types of Flight Charms, which will be covered in this chapter, however, the original and the best remains the following one...
__W I N G A R D I U M . L E V I O S A
Also known as the Levitation Charm, the spell is used to levitate an object.
The spell allows the caster to levitate even the heavy objects that he himself would never be able to lift. The charmed object can be easily maneuvered around, and could soar high in the sky as long as the caster can see the floating object. Sadly, the charm cannot levitate human beings; It is actually their clothing that's being levitated. What could be levitated is entirely dependent upon the caster's skills and the object's mass.
The Levitation Charm was first developed in the sixteenth centuryby Jarleth Hobart. On 16 July, 1544, Hobart invited a large crowd of wizards, among which was the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, to witness his "maiden flight" — a public demonstration of his own revolutionary charm on himself. He climbed onto the roof of his local church and, after several speeches and a rousing performance of the national anthem he leaped. Having cast the spell, he was left hovering in mid-air.
At first, he seemed to have succeeded but, after having spent nearly three minutes watching him hanging in mid-air, the crowd grew impatient to see him move somewhere, and booed him. In response to the booing, Hobart tried to move in midair, and started performing childish swimming movements, which produced no effect. Mistakenly believing that his clothes were making him heavier and impeding his movement, Hobart stripped thus making him fall several meters onto the ground below, as it were the clothes that were holding him up in the air — they had been charmed by the Levitation Charm, not Hobart himself. He fell completely naked on the ground, breaking 16 bones, and went on the receive a penalty for extraordinary stupidity from the Chief Warlock.
Wingardium is a composite word based on: English to wing meaning "to fly"; arduus (meaning "high, tall, lofty, steep, proudly elevated" or arduum (meaning "steep place, the steep" ; and the common Latin ending -ium. Leviosa probably derives from Latin levo, meaning to "raise, lift up", or levis, meaning light (of weight). Altogether, therefore, the incantation could best be read as "lift up high".
Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Wand Movement: Swish and flick
Willpower: Low; Visualize your energy coming from your body and lifting the object.
Concentration: Moderate; on the thing you want to levitate
Hover Charm
__L E V I O S O
One of the first spells devised to try to outshine the Levitation Charm is known as the Hover Charm. Once cast upon an object that you are physically touching in some way, it allows you to move that object up and down. Due to its impractical nature and the advent of more efficient charms, the Hover Charm does not see much use.
Hover Charm
Incantation: Levioso (lev-ee-O-so)
Wand Movement: Inward spiral then upward flick
Willpower: Moderate; determines how heavy of an object can be lifted.
Concentration: None
Rocket Charm
__A L A R T E . A S C E N D A R E
Another charm you should know is called the Rocket Charm. This charm does not require that you be touching your target, which is a significant improvement. However, it is only capable of propelling an object straight up into the air and back down again. The height obtained is somewhat controllable depending upon the effort you put into it. However the height is not very significant and heavier objects will move less, making this a fairly impractical charm with limited use.
Rocket Charm
Incantation: Alarte Ascendare (A-lar-tay a-SEN-day-ray)
Wand Movement: Quick swish
Willpower: High; determines how high the object will ascend before falling
Concentration: None
Floating Charm
__F L U I T O
Some time after these spells were created, the Floating Charm was developed. Unlike the Hover Charm, this spell can target a distant object rather than requiring physical contact. Unlike the Rocket Charm, this spell involves controlled vertical movement. However, the charm is not without its limitations. Objects can only be levitated a handful of feet into the air, and they cannot be directed to move any other way besides up and down. This charm still found some practical use, however; shopkeepers and the occasional witch or wizard doing some spring cleaning could levitate an object long enough to then clean and see what was underneath it.
Floating Charm
Incantation: Fluito (floo-EE-toe)
Wand Movement: Jab then upward flick
Willpower: High to very high depending on weight and distance of target
Concentration: Moderate; should be maintained on target object