A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration.
written by ♡ Melody Marvolo Riddle ♡
While this book should be in possession of every first year and second year at Hogwarts, the library also offers a few copies in the Magical Textbook Section.
Last Updated
A.K.A. Badgering
Chapter 3
This chapter will look closely at the Transfiguration spell of Fallomeles, also known informally as Badgering.
The word is derived from Latin, fallo meaning to "deceive, cheat, or trick", and meles meaning "badger". It is the incantation used in Badgering, and is pronounced fall-o-mell-s.
Looking back at our categories in Chapter 1, this spell falls under the Transformation Transfiguration branch. It is used to transform objects into a badger. Badgering is the action to transform objects into badgers. It is rumored that the spell was invented by Helga Hufflepuff, but there is no clear evidence of such a claim.
The spell itself does not cast any light or noise, but transforms any object pointed at with the caster's wand into a badger.
The level of this Transfiguration is somewhat basic.
t= Transformation of an object into a badger
a= caster must be heavier than the object being transformed
v= intent must be at least medium-mild
w= any wand power
c= fair
Z= well-spoken, as clear as possible
The word is derived from Latin, fallo meaning to "deceive, cheat, or trick", and meles meaning "badger". It is the incantation used in Badgering, and is pronounced fall-o-mell-s.
Looking back at our categories in Chapter 1, this spell falls under the Transformation Transfiguration branch. It is used to transform objects into a badger. Badgering is the action to transform objects into badgers. It is rumored that the spell was invented by Helga Hufflepuff, but there is no clear evidence of such a claim.
The spell itself does not cast any light or noise, but transforms any object pointed at with the caster's wand into a badger.
The level of this Transfiguration is somewhat basic.
t= Transformation of an object into a badger
a= caster must be heavier than the object being transformed
v= intent must be at least medium-mild
w= any wand power
c= fair
Z= well-spoken, as clear as possible