The Today Network - 1/11/17( The November Issue)
written by Account Terminated
The most widely loved daily newspaper is the The Today Network which comes just after the The Daily Prophet. There's always specific sections for each of your favorite topics and we are so glad to welcome back the Today Network with it's mouth full of news. We were never so much pleased to inform you that from now there'll be a specific section for Mrs. Annebella Sofia who has agreed to write Travel Guides in our highly regarded newspaper. The Celebrity Chit Chat has also returned and the magics of ' Kitchen of Erica' is still waiting out there for you to take a peep. Date- 1st of November, Wednesday, 2017
Last Updated
The Top Network : We're BACK!!!
Chapter 1
That's just the start.
After that disgusting bit of cheating- I mean We're BACK!!
In 17th of last month, The Wizengamot has declared that the Today Network will be back on work. As many of you know, the cause of the ban of this reputed newspaper on last year, December 17th had happened because an honored person of Florida, had reported that the Today Network is writing more negative news rather than good, and positive news.
However, many editors of our newspaper had not consented this and all the issues of the newspapers were checked. The matter was taken into the Wizengamot on 25th of January when all the heads were chattering about this tittle-tattle. Meanwhile, this honored person, Antonio Zabka, an Apparition Examiner had written a letter to the court regarding this news.
The court took strict steps to check opposition, and the matter created a big conundrum in the Magical World for a complete month. By March, when things were becoming normal, Wizengamot investigated the matter clearly.
To the judges this matter seemed a lot tiny puzzle, but to the public this was a havoc.
Soon, in no time, the case was announced that the claim of Mr. Zabka was not true on September 30th, and there was only two section for negative news, which contained 30% of the newspaper. And the Today Network will start again from 1st of November.
According to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Mr. Zabka was an editor of the Newspaper ' Wizards of Today', and it was running low. To get the prestige and demand back, he had tried to falsely ban the The Today Network in order to make the ' Wizards of Today' popular. To many it seems, that as the 'The Today Network' was published, the ' Wizards of Today' was almost dying. However, the Aurors will be still keeping a close watch upon this subject, and '" Any kind of clue will bring the matter to an End" Said Mr. Groovey, an Auror.
Now, to take as a note, Mrs. Switch will no longer be writing the Muggle Vs Magical section. If you are interested in writing ' Muggle Vs Magical' section for ' The Today Network', kindly owl Hannah Yvonne with your personal information, and send the written document to us, no later than 15th of November.
-Hannah Yvonne