Witch Weekly- Issue Two (November 2017)
written by Sally Buttercup
November issue of Witch weekly! On sale for 5 Kn! Now hiring! Look for us in the groups/ roleplays! Enjoy!
Last Updated
Quiz- What's Your Patronus?
Chapter 6
For those of you who never fully mastered the Patronus Charm, we get it! As our holiday present to you, we wrote a quiz guaranteed to tell you what your Patronus will be, once you can finally summon it of course.
1. Land or sea?
2. Small or big?
3. Favorite color?
4. Phoenix or unicorn?
Take your answers, add up the letters of your answers and divide by 5.
If the average is…
Over 6- Otter
5-6- Cat
4-5- Swan
3-4- Raven