A Secret School
written by Daisy May 101
I am here I can't belive it!I am really here.Hogwarts!!!I can't wait to start my story. Follow maya as she figures out secrets to hogwarts.
Last Updated
The First Day
Chapter 3
The mean student as just a centaur.Which are the meanest creaters at Hogwarts.I feel better knowing that. For a couple of days people just starred at me. Then they stoped and we became friends. Exept all the centaurs. My closest friend was Ellie Francis Malfoy. She was very nice and she help me find my classes and not get lost.(again):)
My classes are Herbology,History of Magic, and Potions. My favorite is Herbology 101.My professor is professor Tudor.
My classes are Herbology,History of Magic, and Potions. My favorite is Herbology 101.My professor is professor Tudor.