Creative Writing Workbook
This is a workbook with basic worksheets for creative writers of both the fanfic and original work variety. It includes character creation, setting, genre, POV, plot, and more.
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Chapter 9
Within every story that is longer than a “short-story” (and even in some of those) there is a main plot and one or more subplots. In the case of Harry Potter, we see the main plot being Harry needing to defeat Voldemort in order to restore peace. But each novel was a smaller plot in and of itself: stopping whoever (Snape?) wants to steal the sorcerer’s stone, finding and closing the chamber of secrets, challenging Sirius Black (and then freeing him), so on and so forth.
There are also a multitude of smaller subplots, generally involving the motivations and wants of the supporting cast: getting a date for the Yule Ball, Snape’s “desire” to protect Harry out of his love for Lily, rights for the House Elves, etc. etc. These subplots add dimension to your story, fleshing out a world instead of just a single goal, showing that your supporting characters have wants and needs too.
So now think about your supporting cast. How will their goals intersect with that of the main character’s (mc) and the main plot?
What subplots do you think you’ll work into your story? Why are they important? What do they do for your piece?