Creative Writing Workbook
This is a workbook with basic worksheets for creative writers of both the fanfic and original work variety. It includes character creation, setting, genre, POV, plot, and more.
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Tying Up Loose Ends
Chapter 11
Tying Up Loose Ends
We’ve explored plots, subplots, themes, and props. Now that you’re nearing the end of your story you need to start tying the knots in all the threads you’ve woven together.
What is the resolution to your story? How will you achieve it? List what needs to happen for the main character (mc) to have ultimately succeeded or failed.
Have all the supporting characters and the antagonists achieved their goals? List what remains to be done for their success or final failure.
What subplots have you created? List them along with their endings. Have you ended them? List what remains to be done.
What themes/ideas have you explored? Did you successfully get across the message you wanted to? If not, what can be done to finish?