The Potioneers Guide To Gathering Herbs
This book is a guide to the various herbs that can be gathered easily. From lions herb to snakeroot, this book will let you know which herbs will put a jump in your step or help you get that extra relaxing effect (please take caution as some plants may cause unwanted effects such as rashes and violent burping)
Last Updated
Group 2: Divination
Chapter 3
These plants will help those of you who are trying your hand at divination:
Blowball - helps to tell how long one will live.
Cat's Foot - to find if someone is casting negative magic towards you.
Chagareltin - can show good omens and answer any burning questions.
Orris - can help find the answer for general questions.
Shoeflower - used as a substitute for tea leaves.
Trumpet Weed - can identify thieves.
Woundwort - can help show the way to lost objects.