Memoir of "THAT" Girl...
written by Liam D./ Liam P./Jason M.
This book, volume two of JMOH "Just My Old Habit", my first novel. This one, for a change, is based on just one book, for a start, because I have a lot to say for this book.
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Chapter 1
This book is actually based on a book written by a thirteen year old girl, born in June 1929. After I read "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank, back in Grade 5, I always thought she was my greatest inspiration. If I would have been in her place, in hiding, not able to get out, forced to eat the same thing every day, I probably would have killed myself. I know I am not a strong person in matters like this, but this teenage girl taught me not one, but a lot of things.
This book, is for Anne Frank, who would have lived longer if she wouldn't have been caught.
This book, is for Anne Frank, who would have lived longer if she wouldn't have been caught.